How to Find Good Costumes

These days it seems like there are countless reasons to find a new and fun costume to wear. Whether you're looking for costumes for kids, costumes for adults, halloween costumes, comic con costumes or anything else in between there's a few things to look for in a good costume.

Quality Costumes

Obviously the first thing to look for is a quality costume. Costumes come in many shapes and sizes, but if you don't have quality, you don't have anything. At Costume Grab, we rigourously search through all of our listings to weed out any clear examples of a costume that is not up to our quality standards.

We have made it clear from that start that nobody wants "junk" costumes that are ripped, torn, or dirty. We strive to provide all buyers with the highest quality costumes availaible in both your local area and across the nation. We expect every seller to be up front and honest about all of their listings and any defects they may have, however small.

Lately we have had many IT costumes (from the IT movie) on our site lately, but we noticed that one of them had multiple tears that were not listed in the description. Through our vetting process we were able to contact the seller, who took down the listing, until the issue was fixed. Make sure to ask costume sellers about any concerns you have involving the quality of the costume as that is our number one priority here at Costume Grab.

Original Costumes

Nowadays it can be tough to find original costumes. Now when I say original costumes, that does not mean that you have to come up with a completely new costume that no one has ever done. Good luck with doing that! Often times the best way to come up with an original costume, is to take a well known costume and add a twist to it. For example, if you're trying to come up with costumes for kids, there are a lot of Princess and Pirate costumes out there. But what would happen if you turned that cute little Princess or Pirate costume into a blood thirsty zombie Princess or Pirate costume? Then you would have a fun and original costume. This technique is expecially useful with halloween costumes. Costumes for halloween are notorious for being cookie cutter, but with a little bit of imagination, you can turn that plain old costume into the life of the party.

Classic Costumes

I think some of the best costumes for Halloween are the classic costumes. People continue to surprise me with cool vampire costumes, zombie costumes, and every other type of classic costume you can imagine. Over the years, people have really started to step up their game and show off their skills in putting together costumes.

At this years Comic Con, I saw a classic Darth Vader costume that I swear looked like an exact replica of the ones from the movies. People couldn't believe how accurate the voice was when he spoke in that distinct Darth Vader voice (with the voice changing mechanism). The funny part was that he had a huge cartoonish Darth Vader head. We actually started to think it must be a movie quality costume aside from the head of course. As people started to gather around, someone asked about his costume and he replied that his wife had been a movie lighting producer and pieced together the outfit from about ten different sets she had been a part of.

The point I'm trying to make is that although there are a ton of new costume ideas out there, you can easily take a classic costume and make it your own in an infinite amount of ways.

Funny Costumes

Now this is one of my favorite types of costumes. It doesn't take too much to come up with a funny costume. One thing I've noticed is that the funniest costumes are costumes for dogs and costumes for cats. I mean common, is there anything funnier than that? Sometimes it's hard to find one of the funny dog or cat costumes on Costume Grab because they can dissapear pretty quick. But every time a new one gets listed, it puts a smile on my face. Some of the other funny costumes I see are gorillas carrying humans in a cage, or grown men riding on tiny horses. I'm always suprised what people will come up with next. A funny costume is definitely my favorite type of costume. Funny costumes are not only fun to create but they often get you the best reactions at whatever party you're at. By the way, funny costumes are not usually the most expensive, but they can be some of the most original as well.

Serious Costumes

Coming in at a very close second, is my love of serious costumes. When you're looking for costumes for Halloween, costumes for men, costumes to women, and every other costume in between, finding a serious costume can be one of the best options out there. Every heard of Cosplay? People who enjoy Cosplay often come up with the most amazing serious costumes ever. There is a whole generation of people who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into creating some of the most beautiful costumes you have ever seen. My definition of serious costumes is anything that someone has spent a lot of money on, or spent a lot of time creating. Serious costumes grace the top of the search page at Costume Grab frequently and I love seeing them there. I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone who can create some of these amazing costumes. If you're looking for one of the best places to see some of the most well done costumes, then look no further than Comic Con. Whatever city you find Comic Con in, you will also find the coolest costumes there is.

So there are some tips on how to find, or create, the best costumes for any occasion. At Costume Grab we welcome every type of costume there is. Feel free to list, costumes for kids, costumes for cats, costumes for teen, costumes for dogs, costumes for men, costumes to woman, Cosplay costumes, Comic Con costumes, and any and every costume in between. We created this marketplace for people like us who want an easy and convenient way to buy and sell all the costumes we love.

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